HCHC Receives CASE Excellence Award

On March 14, 2019, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) honored Hellenic College Holy Cross at its annual conference with a Silver Excellence Award in the Video Fundraising category for its 2018 Day of Giving video.
CASE is a professional association serving educational institutions and advancement professionals who work on their behalf in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and allied areas. It serves more than 3,700 universities, colleges, schools, and related organizations in more than 80 countries.
HCHC competed against 230 other entries from institutions in District I, the regional chapter representing the northeastern United States and eastern Canada to which HCHC belongs.
Judges used the criteria below to choose the winning entries:
- how objectives supported the institutional mission
- creative ideas
- program’s content, scripting, photography, soundtrack, and editing
- understanding of the target audience(s)
- budget and creative use of available resources
- results
The success of HCHC’s Day of Giving campaign was a direct result of a solid project plan, a clear vision, and systematic, personal outreach to board members, faculty, staff, alums, and friends.
We thank Peggy Giovane, Melanie Pappas, and Emanuel Sabau for their creative efforts in producing the video and its corresponding social media content and their tireless dedication to promoting HCHC’s 2018 Day of Giving campaign.
Congratulations on a job well done!